Friday, 27 November 2020

Buying a Gooseneck Enclosed Trailer

A gooseneck enclosed cargo trailer is a particular kind of trailer that makes use of a gooseneck kind of hitch while carrying out its task of hauling the cargo. The gooseneck hitch is a specialised hitch type that possesses the particular properties. It is ball mounted amidst the axles of the towing vehicle.

The working of the trailer is such that the hitch installed on the trailer works by hitting the ball along with the locking mechanism that makes sure of the receiver placed on the trailer is not unfastened with the ball on the truck. There is eight foot over hand which is utilised for the storage which is elevated from the floor.

Uses of Gooseneck enclosed trailer:

The most common type of use of the gooseneck enclosed trailer is for hauling cars. One can rely on the best gooseneck cargo trailers in the instances of hauling huge numbers of diverse items. In such cases, these gooseneck trailers work successfully as the bumper pull enclosed trailers are only till thirty four feet whereas the enclosed gooseneck trailer can go up to fifty three feet.

The large cargo trailers are moved easily with the gooseneck type of hitch as the pivot of the trailer is a little feet ahead making is comfortable in taking the turns. In such cases one can move easily across the turns around the angles that the bumper pull trailers are unable to move from.

Businesses dealing with the transportation of cargo along with shipment of cars often buy gooseneck enclosed trailers to carry out their day to day business operations. These are used in commercial industries only. The trailers usually operate on long distance routes like highways as they include towing cargo from here to there. There are some cabinets in the trailers that have electrical system installed in them. These are usually beneficial if there is any electrical work is to be done. Otherwise there is no point of these electrical system as these only occupy much of the space inside the trailer. Businesses buy these according to their needs and preferences.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

3 Questions To Ask Before Investing In An Enclosed Cargo Trailer

 A trailer, irrespective of its shape and size is a major investment and also quite a big responsibility. A bad quality trailer can be major financial mistake and is meant to cause a lot of problems to the owner. That is why it is very important to do some quality research and spend plenty of time to find out the best trailer according to one’s requirements and budget. Here are a few important questions to help you out. 

STEEL OR ALUMINUM? Steel is always going to be cheaper than aluminum. A lot of folks think that aluminum gives a significant weight saving. That being said, it mainly depends on the manufacturing process of the trailer. A good argument to favor aluminum trailer is that it is rarely going to rust. However, if a trailer made with steel is coated properly coated, it can also last as much as an aluminum trailer. Aluminum trailers need inspection for cracks and require maintenance to keep shining. Steel can crack, rust and it is heavier than aluminum. 

V-NOSE OR FLAT-NOSE? As surprising as it may sound, there is not much of an increase in fuel mileage in between these two. What hurts the fuel mileage is the flat back. Opt for the trailer that truly makes you happy. The v-nose with proper handling has marginally better mileage than the flat-nose. Yes, it is marginal --- keep that in mind.


STANDARD HEIGHT, LOWERED HEIGHT, OR EXTRA TALL? The lowest height is recommended by experts. With this option, you can minimize the drag.


Consider this blog and opt for a best new enclosed trailer in the market.

Bumper Pull or Gooseneck Cargo Trailers? The Ideal Option for You!

 When it comes to buying a trailer none of the buying considerations will affect your driving more than the choice between a bumper pull and gooseneck trailer. With its own set of advantages and disadvantages, the choice can certainly put a person in a fix. By the end of this blog, you will have sufficient information to pick the right trailer for your tow vehicle.

Bumper Pull

The bumper pull is among the most common types of trailers. It is also known as a drag or tagalong. Contrary to what the name suggests, the trailer doesn’t connect to the tow vehicle’s bumper. Instead, it fits over a ball hitch jutting out from the vehicle’s frame at the rear.


      They are smaller than gooseneck trailers.

      They tend to cost less.

      They work perfectly well across motor homes, SUVs, CUVs, and others. So, you may not require to buy a pickup truck for towing a bumper pull.  

      Since they are smaller in size, they tend to weigh less. This means that you don’t require a special license to haul the vehicle. However, it’s better to always check for your state’s vehicle regulations in case there’s a lower weight limit.

      Bumper pull hitch offers a normal turn radius and, hence, is easier to handle. This means that the trailer will follow the vehicle with the turn. This makes it ideal if you are buying a new enclosed trailer or simply a first-time user.


      Since it’s smaller in size, it has less space to offer. Whether it’s to support living quarters or a dressing room in your trailer, or hauling horses and other livestock, bumper pull hitch will limit the number of animals you can transport.

      Bumper pull hitch isn’t an ideal option when it comes to hauling heavier loads. Incorrect compatibility and coupling with the vehicle can lead to a lack of stability, loss of control, or even trailer swaying.

Gooseneck Trailer

A gooseneck trailer is often owned by veteran trailer owners. Gooseneck trailers are often confused with fifth-wheel trailers due to design similarities. The difference lies in their coupling abilities. Fifth-wheel uses a horseshoe-shaped device while a gooseneck slides onto the ball mounted on the bed of the tow vehicle.


      Gooseneck trailers offer impeccable stability. Gooseneck trailers are designed in such a way that the tongue weight of the trailer lies over the truck’s rear axle. This minimizes the ability of the trailer to sway.

      They are larger than bumper pull trailers.

      More stability and larger size mean accommodation of more weight. Goosenecks can support more room for living quarters any extra cargo you haul.

      They also have a tighter turn radius. Goosenecks allow maneuver of the trailer in tighter spaces.


      The size of the goosenecks trailers can be an issue. They are heavy enough to be classified as commercial and thus require a special license or permit for operation.

      Even the best gooseneck cargo trailers require a special hitching system installed in the bed of a pickup truck.

      Since they are less common than bumper pulls, most trucks don’t come equipped with a gooseneck trailer ball.

      Storage of the trailer is another issue owing to its size.


If you are still having difficulty in choosing the best hitch to optimize your trailering experience, feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-978-7223 or visit


Enclosed Cargo Trailer: Choose The One That Fits Your Requirements

 We live in an era where technology has taken over in every aspect of life, from phones to household utilities; vehicles are not an exception. Talking about vehicles, when it comes to buying a cargo trailer, options are many and can get you overwhelmed at times, thanks to the salient features (read technology) associated with them. The most popular type of cargo trailer has to be the enclosed one, which is the most practical vehicle to carry a massive amount of goods from one corner of the state to the other. So, how do you choose the best-enclosed trailer for your business or personal means? Here is a list of the most important considerations to help you find the best match. You can also ask the provider to specifically design a customer cargo trailer as per your needs.

Is there a requirement for your trailer to haul?

You need to know the answer to this question before you settle for one of these behemoths. Knowing this answer is pretty much the best place to get started; this will let you know more about numerous trailer options, and you may also come to the conclusion that an enclosed trailer is not meant for your needs. That is a rare scenario, but it can happen. Coming back to enclosed trailers, you need to ensure the width, length, and height of the trailer that can be safely accommodated in the trailer. Additionally, you’ll need to guarantee that your trailer can handle the weight once you load it up completely with all your gear. Most of the popular manufacturers make trailers that are already equipped with robust payload capacities; however, the durability can be enhanced further more by using various optional packages

The way in which cargo needs to be stored inside the trailer

Once the trailer has been decided, you need to look at the physical aspect (capacity) of it so as to carry everything you want to put in it. Having said that, you must consider the specific needs of those things you are going to transport on a regular basis.

If you are planning to buy a cargo trailer, you need to keep these things in mind and find the provider online.

Transport Your Snowmobiles Safely With Stacker Trailers

 As snow will cover more and more ground in the winter season, you may need to find safe transport for your snowmobiles. With countless roads and trails to explore, a stacker trailer is the best way to bring along snowmobiles safely, with no difficulties. You will find stacker trailers for sale in both gooseneck and bumper pull models. You can also custom make them according to your specifications to satisfy your traveling needs. If you are still in doubt, read why stacker trailers are best to transport snowmobiles. 


Cover from snow

Although snowmobiles belong to snow, you have to protect them from the elements, including snow. When you make a custom stacker trailer, you guarantee that your precious investment stays safe, and especially when you are on the road. With an enclosed trailer, your snowmobiles or any other vehicle are stacked safely - no matter their size, style, and material.

Plenty of space

In stacker trailers, you can load your vehicles on a lower and upper deck. With plenty of storage space, you can load and transport multiple snowmobiles in a go. As there are plenty of size options, you have the space to load your vehicles, depending on your needs. Even you also have enough space for tools & accessories and cabinets. No matter what design you chose, you will get ample space for your snowmobile transportation every time.

Design and built for you

The best thing about a custom trailer is that every part is made as per your specifications. From the entryways to materials to colors - you can select each detail yourself to build your dream trailer for your vehicles. You can add more shelves for tools and accessories or add another RV-style door to one side - as the way you want.

The bottom line is a custom stacker trailer is the best solution to transport snowmobiles or other vehicles. You can either design your own trailer or look for stacker trailers for sale to find a design that matches your needs.

Why You Should Definitely Buy An Enclosed Cargo Trailer

If you are thinking about getting a new cargo trailer, then you must already know about its features. But at the same time, you might also be a little curious about how exactly it may help you and whether or not you should actually buy it. 

Worry not because this issue is often faced by all of us, no matter what we buy. When we are spending a whole lot of money, we ought to get a little confused. For that reason, we are here to tell you about different ways how a cargo trailer can help you so that you can buy a cargo trailer with ease. 

1. Save space in your vehicle

With a cargo trailer, you won’t have to worry about packing your truck with stuff the next time you go on a trip. Even if you buy a small cargo trailer, it would have enough room to carry all of your stuff. Further, this will offer the passengers more space to enjoy during a long ride. Plus, enclosed cargo trailers are excellent for camping trips. You could easily load up all the essentials that you will need for an amazing weekend. 

2. Protect your belongings

By having an enclosed cargo trailer, you will add an extra layer of safety that you never get in the back seat of your vehicle. An enclosed cargo trailer offers you a secure and locked space to protect all your stuff from the outside elements such as rain, wind, animals etc. They are perfect for hauling items such as furniture, cars, bikes etc. as well.  Since you can lock them, you won’t have to worry about anyone messing around with them. 

3. They are easy to customize

One of the best things about enclosed cargo trailers is that they can be easily customized based on your needs. You can choose from a variety of features depending on the model and change the interior of the trailer exactly the way you want.  Whether you want to turn it into a mobile tool shed or a portable mechanic shop, enclosed cargo trailers are meant to increase your trunk space.  They can be about anything that you want to.

Considering all these benefits, you can now look for the best cargo trailers for sale.

Why Buy An Enclosed Car Trailer To Transport Your Vehicles?

While there are many auto transport companies in the U.S. to ship vehicles to and from major cities, many car owners do not rely on them. Most of them prefer to transport their vehicles on their own, ensuring their precious investments are safe during transportation. With the availability of endless trailer options, some owners find it difficult to choose the best-enclosed car hauler for their cars. Many even find themselves in a dilemma whether they should buy an enclosed car trailer or not. If you are also thinking the same, let’s discuss the pros and cons of an enclosed car trailer, which will help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of an enclosed car hauler

Protection - Enclosed car trailers are a safe way to transport luxury sports cars and expensive vehicles as they offer the highest level of both protection and security. With four sturdy walls surrounding your investments and protecting from road debris and harsh weather conditions, you gain peace of mind when you are on the road.

No Damages - Unlike open carriers, enclosed trailers have a strong roof and walls. All of them together protect your vehicles from possible damages, for instance, scratches caused by road debris. With an enclosed car hauler, you also don’t have to worry about unexpected changes in the weather, like sudden rain and snow, when you are driving on a highway.

Customization - With the availability of customization, you can design your own trailer, depending on your personal needs. You can have living quarters to sleep in the trailer and can consider additional storage and functionality like car parts, tools, or golf carts.

Disadvantages of an enclosed car trailer

Expensive - Enclosed trailers come in different sizes and can transport two to three vehicles at one time; however, they are a bit expensive than open haulers. As they have a heavy-weight because of a roof and walls and their material, they are high on the budget.

This list of pros and cons will help you buy the best trailer to transport your vehicle from one location to another. Make sure to get in touch with a renowned trailer seller for new and used enclosed car haulers.

Buy Only The Best Car Trailer Stacker

Car trailers are widely used in the transportation industry. These commonly use to transport cars from one place to the other. The cars are loaded in the huge trailers and unloaded as they reach the destination. They can easily transport different types of cars. Some big, some small, be it any type of car, the trailers can undertake their duty in an efficient manner. One can rely on transporting their valuable cars from one place to another. Utmost safety and precautions is taken when transporting the cars. It is done by professionals under their supervision. 

To transport multiple cars at a time with one car stacked over the other, one can buy custom stacker car trailers that best fit in their requirements. These stackers can be customised as per the specific requirement of the client. One can also get the stackers customized as per the type of vehicle to be transported. According to the size and shape of the vehicles. One needs to mention their specifications in advance to receive the trailer as per their very requirement. 

Race Care Trailer Stacker

There are a number of places where one can find the best stacker race car trailers that one can use effectively to transport their race cars. One should look into deeply the type of trailer that may suit their needs. These types of tailers meet the need of the customer especially the one transporting race cars from one place to another. 

Price Range

One should always check for the price range of the stacker before making the purchase. One should enquire the prices from multiple sellers in advance for a similar product. In such a way one will not end up paying extra for their product. 


When purchasing the trailer stacker, one should look deeply in the quality of the stacker. As this is required in carrying heavy cars for a long period of time, one should make sure to check for the quality of the product. It should be sturdy enough and superior to meet the purpose without causing any damage to the car. One should study the quality thoroughly.