Thursday, 23 August 2018

Buy Stacker Trailers for Hauling Multiple Cars

Hauling cars from one place to another is often a troublesome task. Cars are heavy machines that need to be transported with the utmost care. The smallest of damage or even a little scratch can have a significant impact on its value. Haulers have to keep this in mind. They can’t use just any other mode or trailer to haul cars. If you have a vehicle hauling business, you can trust stacker trailers from Millennium Trailers to help you transport expensive cars without much of a problem.

Custom stacker trailers from Millennium Trailers provide you with two decks, upper and lower, to load cars. They also come with a lift to help you elevate cars from the ground to the upper deck. Millennium trailers provides stacker trailers in two variants - bumper pull stacker trailers that can carry two cars and gooseneck stacker trailers that can transport 3 cars. So, if you want to transport more than one car at a time, stacker trailers offer you space and ease to do so.

Every stacker trailer from Millennium Trailer has cabinets, finished interiors as well as tie-down systems. You need to have a Ford F-650, Chevy 6500, or a large motorhome to pull these trailers. Millennium Trailers also offers its customers the opportunity to customize these trailers.

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