Thursday, 3 September 2020

4 Tips On Storing Your Enclosed Gooseneck Cargo Trailers Over Winters

Unless you are a winter sports enthusiast or love road trips during holidays, you probably prefer to keep your trailer at home. Not all gooseneck cargo trailers are used all year round. Most people keep their trailers tucked away until the weather hots up. Fortunately, storing an enclosed trailer during winters is not a complex matter; however, you must do it correctly to enjoy your best-enclosed gooseneck cargo trailer for years to come.

Store indoor

Bad weather conditions, like chilly winds and snow, are not friends with a trailer, so if possible, store it indoor. As ice and snow reflect the sunlight, its harmful UV rays and other harsh weather elements can destroy the rubber seal, fade the trailer’s pain job, degrade awning fabric and wreck the tires. If you cannot store your trailer inside a garage, think of finding a covered area or invest in a quality trailer cover.
Take the load off

It may seem to store things and items inside the enclosed gooseneck cargo trailer when it is not in use, but you must avoid the idea as much as possible. When the trailer is going to stand at one place for a few months, jack it up. Place the frame on jack stands and take the weight off the suspension and tires. Never use a suspension equalizer or axle tube as a standpoint or jack support.

Remove the batteries

Batteries that power the emergency breakaway system and hydraulic should be removed or disconnected to prevent corrosion. Removing and replacing batteries is a far better idea than dealing with corrosion later. Make sure you store the batteries indoor and charge them up every couple of months so that you can use them whenever you need them.

Grease the moving parts

As you have invested in the best-enclosed gooseneck cargo trailer, certainly you would want to keep it in good condition for years. When you are not planning on using the trailer for several months, think of greasing its moving parts. From suspension to hinges, coat all moving parts with grease or suitable lubricant before storage.

Storing your enclosed gooseneck cargo trailer correctly during winters keeps it running smoothly for years and also increases its lifespan.

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